Permanent Make Up Eyeliner - Baby Eyeliner and Fashion Eyeliner


More and more women today want to have their make up on during the entire day. Very fast lifestyle and everyday meetings impose the need to always be dressed up and cheerful.

Permanent make-up gives you an exquisite look, with a state-of-the-art make-up technique, make up does not look exaggerated and it does not give the impression of 'too much'.

Eyeliner technique is performed with a disposable make-up machine, under very sterile conditions. The treatment is painless, and the client is ready to return to his/her daily routine.

If you decide on the most commonly asked BABY EYELINER or the stronger version of FASHION EYELINER, your eyes will look more expressive and cunning.

Baby Eyeliner is a very thin line in the eyelash root that highlights the eye and is not very visible.
The Fashion Eyeliner is most commonly a thicker line along the lids with a little bit longer line.

The treatment is performed with PHICONTOUR pigments. Correction is performed after 6 weeks if necessary.