Permanent Make Ip - full lips and contour lips


PHICONTOUR is a technique of drawing a semi-permanent permanent make up, emphasizing contours or conouring already full lips. The shape is calculated on the basis of the golden section (Phi 1.618) and client's facial anatomy. Lip symmetry is achieved using the PhiBrows application technique.

PhiContour offers various techniques for correcting natural disadvantages, as well as for emphasizing the contour of your lips.

PhiContour colors are high quality permanent pigments, with beautiful warm shades.

Our goal is to make color and shape corrections without the overwhelming effect of makeup with an emphasis on natural appearance. For a successful treatment result, the skin should not be in the regeneration process, i.e it must not be damaged.

A client who is prone to herpes should use therapy with herplex tablets before the treatment to prevent unwanted effects.

The correction is done after 6 weeks if needed. The pigment durability is 3-5 years.